Does having a traditional publishing deal make me famous?
Well, no, but it's an opportunity to find more readers!
Most writers dream of signing a traditional publishing deal. Even if they’ve been self-publishing (like me). The biggest reason for wanting to find a trad deal is—the probability of being discovered by readers who haven’t found your books yet. Another justification is having the publisher’s support. I will no longer do everything. I’ll have an editor!
And, now for the big news.
Yes, I have signed with UK publisher Scorpius Books. Despite being small and new in the publishing scene, they think outside the usual publishing box. They’ve also been a regional and country finalist in The British Book Awards - Small Press of the Year. I’ve weighed up each for and against and decided—YES. You might wonder why I wouldn’t jump at the chance. It’s a business decision. The heart shouldn’t rule it, no matter how tempting that is. Of course, I did a happy dance when the offer came through.
This happened.
Scorpius Books emailed an offer of interest and wanted to talk.
I researched all publishers before I submitted to them but did further research.
That same day, an Australian publisher asked for a full manuscript (after having my submission for nine months). How ironic!
Just over a week later, the Australian publisher rejected the MS.
I spoke to several authors about my situation and got advice.
Jacqui from Scorpius and I had a Zoom meeting. Nighttime Australia and morning in the UK. I asked all the questions I could think of (though I was a tad nervous).
She questioned me, like: do I mind being edited, have I used A.I. (no) and other things relevant to a publisher/author relationship? She also said how much she loved the story. This is massively important because I know she wants this book to be as successful as I do.
Jacqui knew I was going to Thailand and would be off the grid. I would let her know when I got back from Thailand.
Me with one of the elephants from Green Elephant Sancturary. Isn’t she gorgeous!
On my return, I asked more questions which were answered well and reassured me.
I would not pay for anything.
An editor would work with me to polish the manuscript.
I have a say in layout and design, blurb and marketing (much of which I will do) but have access to graphic designers and marketers.
Author links are being added to their website among other things.
Many of the Scorpius Books editors, designers etc. are freelancers, but Jacqui will edit the book and has 15 years industry experience.
Distributing contracts are in place across the UK, USA and most of the world.
They are award winning and trendsetting.
Along with print and print-on-demand, they will also print a special autistic version of the book. Autistic people need softer paper, more white space and san serif fonts to make reading more enjoyable.
The open contract which is a shorter term (outside the box) and is best for both publisher and author. It’s fair.
There are only ten authors of different genres signed to Scorpius Books. Each will get the attention they deserve and support.
Scorpius have been honest about the process.
I told Jacqui I was happy with the answers, and I would go ahead. She is sending me author info and the contract.
My family came to the Sunshine Coast for a surprise birthday party. I was bursting with my news and despite yet having a contract, told them I had a traditional publishing verbal deal. Everyone was so excited for me. It was a pinch me moment.
Then Jacqui got sick with a chest infection and was out of action for two weeks. I was worried about what was going on. As soon as she could she informed me how behind she was because of the weeks off. I told her I wanted to get this newsletter out, she said to go ahead with the announcement. The contract will arrive on Wednesday. Yay!
Another reason I chose an English publisher.
UK readers bought a massive (348 million in 2022) books compared to Australia (28.3 million in 2022). In the USA (900 million in 2022). Even if I receive a small percentage of those readers, it could help the book's momentum.
So, that’s it for now. It’s official, but I am waiting for the contract to open the bubbly (even if I do prefer beer, I reckon this calls for champagne). I hope you’ll raise a glass with me. My dreams are coming true. I hope yours do to.
As soon as I have more information, like the set release date (in 2025) you will be the first to know. Stay tuned. You haven’t read this book yet.
And, as always, thank you for your support reading my publishing ramblings.
Hugs and happy reading,
Donna xo
Buy my earlier books at — beach, romance and suspense.
Well deserved, Donna. They're lucky to get you.
Go Donna, you are amazing!